Updated: October 31, 2022
Lulott Orchestra "Magic Castle Concert"
Date of the event Friday, November 25, 2022

A frying pan? ・Water pipe? ・What's the toilet?
Welcome to the magical castle concert where you will be surprised!
Please enjoy the miracle co-starring of seven orchestras and "creative instruments" born from daily necessities.
・Agency for Cultural Affairs “ARTS For The Future!2” subsidized projects
Lulot Orchestra Magic Castle Concert-Tagajo Performance-
・Date of the event
Friday, November 25, 2022
18:30 Starts at 19:00 Ends at 20:30 (planned)
・Ticket price
General (advance sale) 2,500 yen (on the day) 3,000 yen
Student (advance sale) 1500 yen (day) 2000 yen
・Place Tagajo City Cultural Center Small Hall
・Co-sponsored Tagajo City Cultural Center Designated Manager
・Supported Tagajo City / Tagajo City Board of Education
・Cooperation Tagajo-shi brass band, Tohoku citizen band meeting
・Major Programs
Harry Potter Theme: Transparent Musical Instruments
I don't have a ghost ~ Assorted Lulot-style ghost ~
Flying of Kumabanbachi ~ Challenge the limits of frying pans! ~
Village Festival-Tagajo Special Version-
Jupiter-A large orchestra with 7 people! ~
・Contact information
Lullotte Orchestra Secretariat (Hamakawa)
[email protected]
・Special site